How to Facilitate Effective Feedback – 10 Step Guide
Is no news good news??
This is a frequent narrative when trainers reflect on their prior experience of receiving feedback from their own training.
Does the traditional sandwich model still work?
In this guide, we’ll explore practical strategies for delivering feedback that empowers doctors to excel in their medical practice and allow you to have difficult conversations with confidence.
Establish a Positive and Supportive Environment:
Provide Timely and Specific Feedback, Choosing the Right Moment for Delivery:
Choose the Right Environment for Feedback Discussions:
Learning Conversation and Advocacy with Enquiry:Learning Conversation and Advocacy with Enquiry:
Focus on Specific Observations and Behaviours:
Engage in Two-Way Communication:
Encourage Self-Reflection:
Feedback Regularly – Understand the power of 3:1 and 5:1 Ratios:
Be Respectful and Empathetic:
Check Out Understanding and Follow Up:
Delivering effective feedback is an essential aspect of providing growth and improvement over time. By establishing a positive and supportive environment, providing timely and specific feedback, incorporating advocacy with enquiry, emphasizing the 3:1 and 5:1 ratios, and encouraging self-reflection, individuals can continuously learn and excel in their endeavors. Engaging in two-way communication, showing empathy and respect, and following up on action plans contribute to a constructive feedback culture that empowers doctors to reach their full potential. Remember, the power of effective feedback lies in its ability to inspire and empower, ultimately fostering personal and professional growth.